Advanced Settings

Turbo for PC

Advanced settings for the Turbo for PC client are managed using the turbo config command.

Turbo for Mac

Click on the menu item and select Settings... to access the settings for the Turbo for Mac Client.

  1. Use Extended RAIL: improve visual appearance of streamed application.
  2. Use H.264: use codec to decrease bandwidth usage for streaming (requires Extended RAIL).
  3. Allow access to local network allows streaming applications to access the local network of the end user's Mac device.

Turbo for Mac Client Settings


How do I save passwords in a browser on Turbo to share with team members?

This can be achieved by creating an image with the credentials set using the Turbo CLI

# Run a browser
>turbo new firefox
Using VM 18.7.1306 from local
Using image clean:26 from local
Using image firefox:61 from local
Running new container firefox#9afe83e2

# Go to a website and log in, saving your credentials, then exit the application
Process exited with status 0

# Save the container into an image
> turbo commit firefox#9afe83e2 ffpassword
Using image firefox:61 from local
Committing container firefox:3.5#a524349c to image ffpassword
Commit complete

# Push to hub
> turbo push ffpassword mynamespace/ffpassword
Pushing image ffpassword to mynamespace/ffpassword
Push complete
Image is private