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Alice 3

Alice is used by teachers at all levels from middle schools (and sometimes even younger) to universities, in school classrooms and in after school and out of school programming, and in subjects ranging from visual arts and language arts to the fundamentals of programming and introduction to java courses.


Alice 3 is the newest installment of the Alice programming language. It has all of the features that have made Alice an exciting and creative first programming experience with an added emphasis on object-oriented concepts. Alice 3 has a new rich gallery of models that includes everything you need to spark your creativity including a full Sims ™ character builder. The new gallery has been built upon a shared class joint structure allowing you to share animations between different characters of the same type. In addition it supports a number of great features to assist in a full transition to the Java programming language including viewing the generated Java code in a side by side window and even exporting your world into NetBeans to be able to extend the functionality by coding Alice worlds directly in Java.


Release Notes


  • Dependencies
    No dependencies
  • Used By
    No repositories
  • Website
    No developer web address
  • Current updated 6 years ago
  • Details