
The build command is used to automate the creation of images. The build command can build images from a TurboScript or a .xappl configuration file.

Usage: turbo build <options> <path>

<options> available:
      --diagnostic           Enable diagnotic logging
  -e, --env=VALUE            Set environment variables inside the container
      --env-file=VALUE       Read in a line delimited file of ENV variables
      --format=VALUE         Use json format for output
      --mount=VALUE          Mount a host folder into the container. Format: [other-container:]SourceFolder=TargetFolder
  -n, --name=VALUE           Name of the image
      --no-base              Do not merge the base image into the new image
      --overwrite            Overwrite existing image
      --route-file=VALUE     Specify a routing rules file
      --vm=VALUE             The Turbo VM version to run the container with
      --wait-after-error     Leave program open after error
      --wait-after-exit      Leave program open after it exits

To build an image from an existing container, use the commit command.

Using TurboScript

A TurboScript is a list of instructions that Turbo will follow to create a container. After the last instruction in a script, Turbo will automatically run turbo commit on the recently created container, creating a new image.

When building from a .me script, Turbo will take the following steps:

  1. Create an empty container from all of the base images specified in the from instruction -- this is equivalent to turbo run <image>
  2. Perform the remaining instructions in the newly created container
  3. Commit the container to a new image
  4. Remove the container from the local machine

If there are any conflicts between a TurboScript instruction and a command-line flag then the TurboScript instruction will take precedence.

Using .xappl Files

A .xappl file is an XML file that contains all of the filesystem, registry, and configuration information for a given image. A .xappl file can be built using Turbo Studio.

Environment Variables

Environment variables can be added to the container through the -e or --env-file flags. These environment variables are initialized at container creation and thus may be overridden by variables created with the env instruction in the build script.

To create multiple environment variables in the container, use multiple -e flags. For example, the following command would add two environment variables, VAR1 with value 1 and VAR2 with value 2, to the built image.

> turbo build -e=VAR1=1 -e=VAR2=2 C:\TurboScript

Alternatively, use the --env-file flag and specify all of the environment variables you wish to add to the image in a line-delimited text file. For example, the previous command could be replicated using the following command:

> turbo build --env-file=C:\env-vars.txt C:\

where env-vars.txt has the contents:


Note: If the --env-file and -e flags are used in the same command, the env-file flag is always processed before the -e flag. In the case of a conflict, the -e flag always takes precedence.

Other Command Line Flags

Name images using the -n flag and overwrite existing images with the same name using the --overwrite flag.

> turbo build -n=my-new-image C:\
Output Image: my-new-image

# Try to build the same image second time
> turbo build -n=my-new-image C:\
Error: The image already exists. You can overwrite with the --overwrite flag

# Try third time, with --overwrite flag
> turbo build -n=my-new-image C:\ --overwrite
Output Image: my-new-image

# Tags can be optionally added to the -n flag
> turbo build -n=my-new-image:1.0 C:\
Output Image: my-new-image:1.0

The build command will create the intermediate container and output image using the latest version of the Turbo VM. To use a legacy version, specify the version number you wish to use with the --vm flag.

# Build the image using version 11.6.205 of the Turbo VM
> turbo build --vm=11.6.205 C:\ 

The --diagnostic flag enables logging within the intermediate container. This flag does not create diagnostic-mode images.

Merging Images

The build command will include all images, which are referenced with the from statement in the script. For example, when the script uses from spoonbrew/git, spoonbrew/nuget, then these two containers will be merged and stored into the newly built container.

The --no-base option will not merge in the script. Instead, the images are included at runtime.

JSON output

When --format=json option was passed this command will provide output in JSON format. It will contain either an image object with information about result image or an error object if command failed.